Michel François presents his Odyssey of absurd and often poignant tales with a liberation of imagery from voices within on a splintered trail through ruminating rhymes.
He illustrates without barriers, often provoking, the absurdness of thought, game-play of unrelated ideas and images in both French and English. When once he was asked in which language do you dream, he replied ‘maybe one or the other sometimes, both at the same time’!
Translating one’s own work, he claims is the way to remain faithful to The original theme yet, at the same time, affording liberty to embellish and enrich at will !
During his time writing Poetry, he has received awards including ‘Arts et Lettres de France, Concours International Littéraire’, USA National Library of Poetry.
Since relocating to England in 2003, many of his original French poems have been translated into English working with R Freidman, translator.
My wakeful will’s simply to thrash their gaping Gaze, stagnant baying and crumpled know-how’
Mon sincere désir c’est de rouer leurs regards béants, Leur croupi clabaudage, leur finesse frippée.
Chichi © Michel François, from ‘Poetic Art’
Together with the late David Burland, founder of Anna Burland Services The David Burland Poetry Prize was created with Michel François as the Judge and, the subsequent edition of the first Anthology of prize winners ‘Poetic Art / L’Art Poétique’ was published by Anna Burland Services in 2013.
Visit : www.davidburlandliteraryservices.com
To recite in front of a live audience is for Michel François the ultimate way to raise and share the passion from a poem. An audio visual of his work is currently in the making to appear on this site.
Lovers of contemporary poetry can enjoy now his first recording ‘Michel François and Friends’ (It is now available for purchase from our Online Shop)
Listen to an audio sample of the ‘Michel François and Friends’ recording below.
The poem is named 'Ultimate Punishment.'.
‘Michel François and Friends’ is available for purchase
from our Online Shop