Michel François | Online Shop

    • Audio CD & MP3
      ‘Michel François and Friends’ (New CD Release)
      Audio Poetry CD
      ISBN 978-0-9556308-3-5
      CD Hard Copy £14.99 inc UK VAT @ 20%

      Postage charges for 1 item:
      UK £3.20
      Europe and Ireland £3.70
      World Zone 1 - USA, Africa etc £4.75
      World Zone 2 - Australia / Asia etc £5.05

      Michel Francois and Friends Audio CD

      Recited by Michel François and A Gillis

      ‘Michel François and Friends’ (New MP3 Release)
      Audio Poetry MP3 (downloadable zip file)
      ISBN 978-0-9556308-3-5
      MP3 Download £9.99 inc UK VAT @ 20%
      Same content as Audio CD
      Size: 80MB

      Important Info:
      Download to a desktop computer and not to a mobile device to unzip the file. The mp3's can then be transferred to your mobile device for playback or they can be listened to on your PC or Mac.

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        3. To extract everything in the compressed folder, tap or click the Compressed Folder Tools tab, then tap or click Extract all.
      Michel Francois mp3 download

      Recited by Michel François and A Gillis

    • Books
      ‘Second Rain / Seconde Pluie’
      Original 2006, limited edition – signed
      Dual Language French and English Poetry. Original French Poems by Michel François and English translation by Michel François and R Freidman.

      Hard back ISBN 978-0-9556308-0-4

      Pricing / Ordering
      ‘Second Rain / Seconde Pluie’ 2006 Limited Edition

      Price per copy £44 plus postage.

      Postage charges for 1 item:
      UK £3.20
      Europe and Ireland £3.70
      World Zone 1 - USA, Africa etc £4.75
      World Zone 2 - Australia / Asia etc £5.05

      Second Rain Poetry Anthology

      ‘Poetic Art / l’Art Poétique’
      Anthology of Poems in French and in English being the winning entries for the David Burland Poetry Prize since 2007 to 2013.

      Edited by Michel François

      Hardback ISBN: 978-0-9556308-1-1
      Pricing / Ordering ‘Poetic Art / l’Art Poétique’ © 2013
      Price per copy £14 plus postage.

      Postage charges for 1 item:
      UK £3.20
      Europe and Ireland £3.70
      World Zone 1 - USA, Africa etc £4.75
      World Zone 2 - Australia / Asia etc £5.05

      Michel Francois Poetic Art Anthology